ALPHA V2.0 Rulebook: A New Chapter in Shattered Legacy TCG

ALPHA V2.0 Rulebook: A New Chapter in Shattered Legacy TCG

We are thrilled to announce a new milestone in our game's evolution. After meticulous brainstorming, collaboration, and hours of playtesting, we are delighted to present the ALPHA V2.0 Rulebook. This update is set to revolutionize the way you experience our beloved trading card game. Join us as we dive into the exciting changes that await you!

New changes in Rulebook V2.0


1. You can now attack a Domain Master anytime during the Battle Phase:
However, performing a combined attack will cause the Battle Phase to end. This means you cannot destroy a Domain Master with some of your Vassals and then attack a Vassal or attack directly with Vassals that have not attacked afterwards.

2. Refined Keywords and Terminology:
To enhance clarity and reduce ambiguity, we have refined the keywords and terminology used throughout Shattered Legacy TCG into a glossary located at the back of the Rulebook. These changes will make it easier to understand card effects and interactions. We will add new terms as needed based on feedback from playtesting.

3. Revised Deck Construction Rules:
Previous Rulebook stated deck size could be 50-80 cards. It now says 50-70 cards.

4. Tokens:
The Glossary section includes a reference for tokens now and what they are in SLTCG. Future rulebook versions may expand on Tokens more.

5. Clarified Phases:
The Phases of a turn are now made more clear in the rules. it is also clarified that "Situational Requirements" and "Phases" are not the same. Phases in a turn are- Draw Phase, Pre-Battle Phase, Battle Phase, Rest Phase, End Phase.

We believe that these updates will elevate your gaming experience, allowing you to dive deeper into the intricacies of this captivating world of SLTCG. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the revised rules and discover the exciting changes that await you on the battlefield.

So grab your cards, gather your friends, and embark on this incredible journey with us. 

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